Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


Racism fulfils several purposes. Segregation sows seeds of hostility and social jealousy within society to blind the people to the government's failure to provide social justice and welfare. The prejudiced group becomes a scapegoat and a safety valve during times of popular unrest.

Racism, and the violence which often results from it, also legitimates tight social control by the government and the army. This then becomes a basis for disadvantaged groups' dependency on the military and government, despite the state's repeated failure to fulfill its responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

Racism in Indonesia is manifested in many forms, from discriminatory conduct to human rights abuses. The ongoing conflicts in Maluku and Ambon are examples of instances where social tension has built up over centuries, cultivated by a repressive atmosphere, and ultimately erupts when triggered by provocateurs.

In the May 1998 riots, ethnic Chinese were targeted for killings, torture and rape, and their houses and shops were looted and burned. Whoever was responsible, it is certain that the many riots targeting ethnic Chinese throughout 1998 were part of the systematic racism that has been part of the nation for so long.

Racism is not only about the systematic discrimination carried out by governments. It is also about the prejudice that is rooted in the minds of the people having been nurtured for decades, reproduced in many different forms and is part of the mass consciousness. To dismantle it is a difficult and long-term task.

Here I have song about racism for u
let's check it out guys......!!!!
..white Lies.

3 komentar:

  1. so, what should we do when we find a kind of Racism?? because we have been living in a democratic country, but sometimes we still find Racism..

  2. racism makes us split ...
    racism makes us apart ...
    it would be wonderful if we different, but remained a union ...

  3. actual racism even make our nation's conflicts and splits to pieces so do not do racism
