Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual to another person in return for payment. many factors that caused prostitution occurs such as economical problem, demand, and satisfaction. Prostitution and sex trafficking are inextricably linked. sex trafficking is the process that delivers victims into prostitution. Prostitution and trafficking are based on a balance between the supply of available victims and the demand for victims to provide the sex acts. Sex trafficking is the process that delivers victims into prostitution that includes the recruitment, harboring, movement and methods by which victims are compelled to stay in prostitution, whether by violence, coercion, debt, or cultural manipulation. 

Researchers conclude that men are purchasing sex acts to meet emotional needs, not physical needs. Men who purchase sex acts do not respect women, they are seeking control and sex in contexts in which they are not required to be polite or nice, and where they can humilitiate, degrade, and hurt the woman or child, if they want. where prostitution is illegal, the operation of brothels requires the collaboration of officials and police, who must be willing to ignore or work with pimps and traffickers.

Over past decade, the most popular solutions to sex trafficking and out of control prostitution is legalization, but in fact legalization does not reduce prostitution or trafficking, both of activities increase because the men can legally buy sex acts and the pimps and brothel keepers can legally sell and profit from them. By tolerating or legalizing prostitution, the state, at least passively, is contributing to the demand for victims.the more states regulate prostitution and derive tax revenue from it, the more actively they become part of the demand for victims.

so we need to urge all governments, and religious communities to focus on reducing the demand for victims of sex trafficking and prostitution by penalized the demand. If there were no men seeking to buy sex acts, no women and children would brought and sold. if were no brothels waiting for victims, no victims would be recruited. and if there were no false messages about prostitution, no women or girls would be deceived into thinking prostitution is a glamorous or legitimate job.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Asmoro Budoyo

hello guys...
at this time I will share you little bit about the community that I will join to..
the community named Asmoro budoyo,,,,
this community is located in Salatiga, and the members usually gethering in Puridenta
near Pancasila Field.
this community built to preserve javanese culture, especially the traditional music in central java called "clenengan".
the people in this community are composed by various groups, like doctor, teacher, enterpreneur, artist, seller and etc.
I choose this community because my dad join this community. in other way I also like to hear  music, most kind off music i love including the traditional music from java, because I think its very unique. By join this community I hope I will learn more about this traditional music.

so... how about your new community guys...???