Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Asmoro Budoyo

hello guys...
at this time I will share you little bit about the community that I will join to..
the community named Asmoro budoyo,,,,
this community is located in Salatiga, and the members usually gethering in Puridenta
near Pancasila Field.
this community built to preserve javanese culture, especially the traditional music in central java called "clenengan".
the people in this community are composed by various groups, like doctor, teacher, enterpreneur, artist, seller and etc.
I choose this community because my dad join this community. in other way I also like to hear  music, most kind off music i love including the traditional music from java, because I think its very unique. By join this community I hope I will learn more about this traditional music.

so... how about your new community guys...???

2 komentar:

  1. Kelihatannya menyenangkan sekali kawan...hehehee
    Belajar tentang budaya daerah termasuk seni musik merupakan hal yang sangat menarik, khususnya kebudayaan seni musik orang jawa :)

  2. that's good..
    join to a traditional community to preserve the javanese culture..
    we are Young Javanese,,,and we have to keep our own culture, before owned by another country :D
    and I think,, I am interested too to join that community..

    may I ??
