Rabu, 11 April 2012


Paguyuban Mersudi Kabudayan Jawi Asmara Budaya merupakan sebuah komunitas kesenian tradisional jawa yang berada di Salatiga, tepatnya di Puri Dhenta lantai 2 dekat Lapangan Pancasila. Pendiri komunitas ini adalah Drg.H.Harjono X yang berprofesi sebagai dokter gigi yang membuka praktek dan juga sebagai pemilik Puri Dhenta. Komunitas ini memiliki lebih dari 30 anggota  yang terdiri dari berbagai kalangan dan profesi yang berbeda-berbeda seperti dokter, wiraswasta, seniman, mahasiswa, guru, pejabat daerah bahkan anak–anak pun ikut bergabung dalam komunitas ini. Sebagian besar anggota dari komunitas Asmara Budaya memiliki kemampuan untuk memainkan alat musik tradisional ataupun menyanyikan lagu-lagu jawa atau yang sering disebut dengan langgam jawa.
Jika anda berkunjung ke markas komunitas ini anda akan menemukan berbagai macam alat kesenian tradisional jawa seperti gamelan, kenong, saron, gong, sitar dll. Komunitas ini mengadakan latihan rutin setiap 2 minggu sekali, namun jika ada anggota yang ingin datang ke markas untuk latihan atau hanya sekedar singgah juga diperbolehkan. Latihan biasanya dilakukan pada malam hari sekitar jam 7 hingga jam 10 atau bahkan lebih. Hal ini dikarenakan sebagian besar anggotanya bekerja pada siang hari sehingga pertemuan sering kali diadakan pada malam hari, atau hari libur. Selain latihan, komunitas ini juga sering mengadakan pertemuan untuk sekedar berkumpul dan berbincang-bincang dan berbagi informasi untuk mempererat silaturahmi antar anggota komunitas. Jika ada pertemuan khusus seperti acara rapat maka para anggota akan mendapatkan undangan dari pengurus paguyuban.
Paguyuban Mersudi Kebudayaan Jawi ''Asmara Budaya'' juga pernah menggelar Parade Karawitan pada tahun 2007 di Hotel Maya. Kegiatan yang dimulai pukul 08.00 tersebut menampilkan seni karawitan yang kini banyak ditinggalkan anak muda. Selainkan menampilkan seni karawitan acara ini juga merupakan ajang perlombaan seni karawitan dengan peserta yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan. Selain itu paguyuban Asmara Budaya juga pernah mengadakan perlombaan karawitan dan sinden cilik se-kota salatiga . Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan budaya jawa terutama seni karawitan dan sinden kepada anak-anak serta menarik minat generasi muda untuk ikut andil dalam melestarikan budaya jawa.
Selain mengadakan acara-acara tersebut Paguyuban Mersudi Kebudayaan Jawi Asmara Budaya juga sering mengikuti lomba-lomba kesenian tradisional jawa yang diadakan oleh pemerintah maupun pihak lain seperti,  lomba karawitan dan sinden yang diadakan di Solo, paguyuban ini mengirimkan 2 sinden sebagai wakil dari kota Salatiga dan berhasil mendapatkan juara II.
Paguyuban Seni Asmara Budaya juga sering diminta untuk mengisi acara-acara yang diadakan oleh pemerintah kota Salatiga seperti peringatan HUT  Salatiga. Pemerintah menggelar pementasan Wayang Kulit di lapangan Pancasila dengan dalang dalang Ki Soeladi Sandyo Admojo dan bintang tamu Kirun, dan Asmara Budaya diminta sebagai pengiring pementasan wayang tersebut bersama dengan paguyuban seni budaya kota Salatiga lainnya seperti Paguyuban karawitan Wacana budaya dll. Pada Ulang Tahun Salatiga yang ke 1261 (tahun 2011) Paguyuban Asmara Budaya juga tampil sebagai pengiring pementasan wayang kulit yang diadakan di dekat prasasti Plumpungan, Salatiga.

Selain itu Paguyuban Asmara Budaya juga sering ditunjuk Duta Seni Salatiga untuk tampil mewakili kota Salatiga di pada acara festival budaya yang diselenggarakan di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jakarta.  Sebagaimana kegiatan rutin tahunan dalam mempromosikan potensi Wisata, Budaya serta kerajinan daerah Provinsi Jawa Tengah melalui Kantor Perwakilan Jawa Tengah yang ada di Jakarta senantiasa menggelar pentas Duta Seni yang didatangkan langsung dari Seluruh Kabupaten/Kota di Jawa Tengah secara bergiliran yang bertempat di Anjungan Jawa Tengah TMII. Duta Seni Kota Salatiga biasanya menampilkan berbagai kesenian daerah, seperti Tari-tarian, Musik Campur Sari, karawitan serta Kolaborasi Wayang Kulit dan Wayang Orang.
Para anggota komunitas ini berpendapat bahwa banyak pengalaman berharga yang mereka dapatkan setelah bergabung dalam komunitas ini. Selain sebagai penyaluran hoby bermusik mereka secara tidak langsung juga ikut serta dalam melestarikan budaya jawa khususnya karawitan, dan hal tersebut membawa kebanggaan tersendiri bagi komunitas ini. Saya pun sebagai anggota baru merasa mendapat banyak keuntungan setelah bergabung dalam komunitas ini. Meskipun baru sebagai pengamat saya telah mendapatkan banyak rejan baru, pengalaman serta ilmu yang dapat memperluas wawasan saya terutama tentang budaya serta musik tradisional jawa.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual to another person in return for payment. many factors that caused prostitution occurs such as economical problem, demand, and satisfaction. Prostitution and sex trafficking are inextricably linked. sex trafficking is the process that delivers victims into prostitution. Prostitution and trafficking are based on a balance between the supply of available victims and the demand for victims to provide the sex acts. Sex trafficking is the process that delivers victims into prostitution that includes the recruitment, harboring, movement and methods by which victims are compelled to stay in prostitution, whether by violence, coercion, debt, or cultural manipulation. 

Researchers conclude that men are purchasing sex acts to meet emotional needs, not physical needs. Men who purchase sex acts do not respect women, they are seeking control and sex in contexts in which they are not required to be polite or nice, and where they can humilitiate, degrade, and hurt the woman or child, if they want. where prostitution is illegal, the operation of brothels requires the collaboration of officials and police, who must be willing to ignore or work with pimps and traffickers.

Over past decade, the most popular solutions to sex trafficking and out of control prostitution is legalization, but in fact legalization does not reduce prostitution or trafficking, both of activities increase because the men can legally buy sex acts and the pimps and brothel keepers can legally sell and profit from them. By tolerating or legalizing prostitution, the state, at least passively, is contributing to the demand for victims.the more states regulate prostitution and derive tax revenue from it, the more actively they become part of the demand for victims.

so we need to urge all governments, and religious communities to focus on reducing the demand for victims of sex trafficking and prostitution by penalized the demand. If there were no men seeking to buy sex acts, no women and children would brought and sold. if were no brothels waiting for victims, no victims would be recruited. and if there were no false messages about prostitution, no women or girls would be deceived into thinking prostitution is a glamorous or legitimate job.

Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Asmoro Budoyo

hello guys...
at this time I will share you little bit about the community that I will join to..
the community named Asmoro budoyo,,,,
this community is located in Salatiga, and the members usually gethering in Puridenta
near Pancasila Field.
this community built to preserve javanese culture, especially the traditional music in central java called "clenengan".
the people in this community are composed by various groups, like doctor, teacher, enterpreneur, artist, seller and etc.
I choose this community because my dad join this community. in other way I also like to hear  music, most kind off music i love including the traditional music from java, because I think its very unique. By join this community I hope I will learn more about this traditional music.

so... how about your new community guys...???

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


Racism fulfils several purposes. Segregation sows seeds of hostility and social jealousy within society to blind the people to the government's failure to provide social justice and welfare. The prejudiced group becomes a scapegoat and a safety valve during times of popular unrest.

Racism, and the violence which often results from it, also legitimates tight social control by the government and the army. This then becomes a basis for disadvantaged groups' dependency on the military and government, despite the state's repeated failure to fulfill its responsibility to provide safety and security for all citizens.

Racism in Indonesia is manifested in many forms, from discriminatory conduct to human rights abuses. The ongoing conflicts in Maluku and Ambon are examples of instances where social tension has built up over centuries, cultivated by a repressive atmosphere, and ultimately erupts when triggered by provocateurs.

In the May 1998 riots, ethnic Chinese were targeted for killings, torture and rape, and their houses and shops were looted and burned. Whoever was responsible, it is certain that the many riots targeting ethnic Chinese throughout 1998 were part of the systematic racism that has been part of the nation for so long.

Racism is not only about the systematic discrimination carried out by governments. It is also about the prejudice that is rooted in the minds of the people having been nurtured for decades, reproduced in many different forms and is part of the mass consciousness. To dismantle it is a difficult and long-term task.

Here I have song about racism for u
let's check it out guys......!!!!
..white Lies.

Global Youth Culture

Global Youth Culture
lobal youth culture is the trans disciplinary category by which theorists and policy analysis attempt to understand the emergence of the complex forms of hybrid culture and identity that occur amongst youth through media like film, television, music, internet and etc. Youth defined as post-adolescent and pre-adult groups between 15 until 24 years old are perceived as a primary engine for the growth of global media culture. Global youth are seen as actively responding to and identifying with modernized and cosmopolitan western culture. Global youth cannot separate from a rigorous critique of political economy. Youth have utilized new media to mobilize and coordinate global political expressions like the anti-corporate globalization movement that voices youth’s desire for a progressive world based upon alternative globalization. Internet provide youth the world over with instant access to a wide diversity of cultural styles and artifacts. While television and radio remain the most powerful and pervasive media in the lives of most global youth.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Ethnocentrism VS Cultural Relativism

OK guys.... at this time I will share you about the information that I got from the lecture on last Thursday....
it is about ethnocentrism and cultural relativism...
Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are mutually exclusive. They are two extremes on the opposite sides of a philosophical spectrum.

Ethnocentrism is the view that one particular ethnic group is somehow superior to all other. Ethnocentrism leads us to make false assumptions about cultural differences. We are ethnocentric when we use our cultural norms to make generalizations about other peoples' cultures and customs. Such generalizations often made without a conscious awareness that we've used our culture as a universal yardstick can be way off base and cause us to misjudge other peoples. Ethnocentrism can lead to cultural misinterpretation and it often distorts communication between human beings.

Ethnocentric thinking causes us to make wrong assumptions about other people because . ..

  • Ethnocentrism leads us to make premature judgments.
  • "They" may not be very good at what we are best at.
  • By evaluating "them" by what we are best at, we miss the many other aspects of life that they often handle more competently than we do.

On the other side.......
Cultural relativism is the view that individual beliefs and values systems are culturally relative. Cultural relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all equally valid and no one system is really"better" than any other. This is based on the idea that there is no absolute standard of good or evil, so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society. It means that no moral or ethical system can be considered the "best" or the "wrong", and no particular moral or ethical position can be actually be considered "right" or "wrong".

So........ what's your idea about that???


Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

Chit Chat with Kirrily

baik teman-teman untuk kali ini saya ingin posting bahasa Indonesia dulu y......
di postingan kali ini saya ingin sedikit menceritakan tentang hasil pertemuan kami para mahasiswa PGSD BI dengan 3 orang warga negara asing. Pertemuan ini diadakan pada tanggal 1 Februari 2012 di ruang Microteaching lantai 2 gesung E. Saat itu saya memutuskan untuk bergabung dalam kelas dengan seorang warga negara asing yang berasal dari Australia bernama Kirrily. Di Australia dia tinggal di kota Canberra yang merupakan ibukota negara Australia. Menurutnya Australia merupakan negara modern dengan banyak warga negara pendatang yang mendiami wilayah tersebut, sehingga Australia tidak memiliki budaya yang khas seperti pakaian, makanan, musik dan lain-lain. Yang diyakini sebagai suku asli Australia adalah suku Aborigin yang menurut Kirrily tidak terlalu bersahabat dengan warga pendatang yang umumnya bersifat individualistis. Australia memiliki hewan khas yakni kanguru, koala dan binatang sejenis landak yang saya lupa namanya....:-P. Kata Kiririly ada juga lho... orang Australia yang doyan menyantap daging kanguru... ich.... tragis...!!!.
Dalam hal waktu, orang Australia lebih on time dibandingkan dengan orang Indonesia, karena toleransi molornya kurang lebih hanya 15 menit...:-D . Kirrily juga menyinggung soal sekolah di Australia. Di sana siswa yang bersekolah di sekolah negeri bebas biaya pendidikan, namun untuk masuk ke sekolah tersebut harus melalui seleksi yang ketat dan satu hal lagi yang menarik adalah mereka memiliki hari libur selama 3 bulan dalam setahun....Asyiiiiknya :-P.

Di Indonesia, dia sudah tinggal kurang lebih satu bulan. untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia. Di Salatiga ia tinggal di jalan Merdeka Selatan.. Dia bercerita tentang pengalamnnya saat dia dikagetkan suara adzan subuh yang sangat keras, dan dia mengira itu adalah suara minta tolong. menurutnya suara tersebut sangat mengganggu dan membuatnya tidak bisa tidur. Namun setelah tinggal beberapa lama, ia pun sudah dapat beradaptasi dengan suara adzan tersebut. Dia juga menceritakan pengalamannya saat pergi ke pasar tradisional di Salatiga yang kotor dan dipenuhi dengan bau daginng yang menyengat. Dia merasa aneh dengan hal tersebut karena di Australia daging dijual ditempat khusus dengan pengemasan yang rapi, diletakkan dalam pendingin dan tentu saja tidak dengan bau yang menyengat......
Namun dari kesemuanya itu Kirrily mengatakan bahwa dia suka tinggal di Indonesia karena penduduk di Indonesia sangat ramah dan suka menyapa. Selain itu di biaya hidup di Indonesia lebih murah dibandingkan dengan Australia dan di Salatiga khususnya sangat mudah mendapatkan kendaraan umum. karena di Australia untuk dapat naik bus kita harus berjalan ke bus stop dan biayanya pun cukup mahal.
Jadi teman-teman kita wajib bangga sudah jadi warga negara Indonesia dengan berbagai keunikannya....

Selasa, 31 Januari 2012


As far as I understand about derogatory terms, It's a term that is offensive to a person or particular group of people. A derogatory term is a term with an ill meaning, insulting, or not nice.
I will give some examples here :
  • Beaner: derogatory term for Hispanics, refers to the use of beans in Hispanic cooking
  • Charlie: derogatory term for Vietnamese, originates from radio code for Viet Cong, which was Victor Charlie, in World War II
  • Chigger: derogatory term for Asian person who “acts black,” play on the term nigger
  • Coon: derogatory term for African Americans, came from barracoos, Portuguese for the buildings used to keep slaves
  • Faggot: derogatory term for homosexuals, a faggot is actually a bundle of sticks used for firewood. In WWII, homosexuals were tied up and burned, just like faggot sticks
  • Hoe: derogatory term for women, actually a garden tool
  • Mohawk: derogatory term for Native Americans, means “cannibal” in Algonquiam
  • Raghead: derogatory term for someone from Middle Eastern decent, play off turbans
  • Sand Nigger: derogatory term for someone from Middle Eastern decent, play off deserts of the Middle East, and the term nigger.
  • Taco Nigger: derogatory term for Hispanic, play off Hispanic food, and the term nigger.
  • Bitch: derogatory term for women, actually a female dog
to make you more clear, try to look at the picture guys :

To the people doing them (like the guys above), it probably doesn't feel offensive, and they probably are just having fun and participating in their own school's or town's tribal (ha) rituals. They may even feel like they're honoring a tradition.

But for many of the Native Americans who aren't gone, it can feel like your heritage is being caricatured and pantomimed.

 *Using derogatory terms might hurt to some people because it’s personal for them. If it’s just a joke, then it’s ok, but using it in a hateful way is wrong. I think people just need to be careful about who they say things around.*

 So guys, What do you think about the use of derogatory terms? Does it hurt ? tell me your ideas....^_^

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

Javanese stereotypes ^_^

- If a Sundanese girl is extravagant, because they love shooping and dress up...
- People from Madura usually sells scrap metal  ...
- People from Batak used to be a driver Metromini
, because they are speak really loud ...
- People from Padang is smart selling and always take advantage of intersection ...
- People from Surabaya is desperate
- The Central Java's people is calm ...

Ever hear the phrase listed above?

That's the examples of the stereotypes of people Indonesia.

Stereotypes means an exaggerated description applied to every person"
We can also call it as cultural assumtion. assumption isalways different from one to another, it can be right or wrong, because it is really subjective 

In this time I want to share you about javanese stereotypes.

The Javanese is famous for its stereotypical nature to be gentle, polite, and refined. However, the Java community does not like frank, are not open. They prefer to hide their feelings towards something. This is because the Javanese people prioritize harmony and tepa selira (tolerance).

But not everyone likes to hide his feelings Javanese. Communities in coastal areas are more open than nonpesisir. Some areas in East Java also has a more expressive nature, frankly, and egalitarian.

I found some typical Javanese (actually everyone does it) is very thick. Why I call this characteristic of the Javanese, because when I do the things below, my friend directly said  , "Dasar Orang Jawa", ..

What the hell?

  •  Javanese people that know the tires deflated, usually straight jab tires. Yet without push the tire, it was already visible when the tire deflated.   

  • Javanese people  know that his hand touched chicken manure is usually smell it, but without having to smell it, everyone already knows that the smell of chicken manure is bad. 

  • Javanese people that know if when it started to rain, usually go out from the home or place shelter to raise your hand out, but actually without raise our hand it will definitely wet with rain ...
  •  Anyway..... it was a joke, never mind  ^_^  
the important thing  is "don't judge the book by it's cover "